Mysticus Radio (Iradeo)

Mysticus Radio (Iradeo)


Dear and damn readers

This blog, created in 2013, was created with the noble intention of spreading all those rock and metal bands around the world that authorize the public download of their musical works. Until mid-2020 this blog made reviews, now it gives the freedom for each listener to rate what they like in the comments
however, musical references will come from here for later musical reviews on the blog

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Orthanc - Aurora Post Gelu

Orthanc - Aurora Post Gelu 

Orthanc was the large tower of Isengard in the writings of JRR Tolkien.  
Black metal depresivo que se caracteriza por el uso de un shriek muy desolador, las guitarras son muy distorsionadas y se logra destacar un ritmo lento en forma de tremolo que caracteriza el riff de las canciones, por otra parte el uso de baterias es en base a un patron de bateria simple y con velocidad moderada.
listen demo: official youtube channel


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